I confess…
I’m still just as competitive as I was pre-baby. In my previous life, I used to help win prestigious industry awards. I was the editor-in-chief of my collegiate newspaper, and won a National Pacemaker Award. I’ve been a member of teams who won PRSA Pinnacle Awards and ISAE Star Awards. These are big deals.
A few weeks ago at a baby shower I won an award for blind tasting and correctly identifying baby food.
This is where my life is going.
I confess…
I watch Disney Junior… without my junior. Most of the time it’s unintentional, but sometimes I just want to watch some Doc McStuffins. Okay?
I confess…
I completely regret encouraging Dorothy to crawl. If your baby is on the brink of being mobile, do everything you can to stall.
I confess…
I live for tomorrow night.
You see, tonight is my night to wake up with Dorothy. For awhile this “alternating nights situation” wasn’t so bad, since she slept all the way through until 6:30 a.m. However, we’re currently in the middle of a fantastic growth spurt… which means we’re up at some time between 2-5 a.m. to feed the bottomless pit.
Like I said, I live for tomorrow night… when it’s Courtny’s turn to get up.
I confess…
I’m amazed by my kid’s blueberry poops. I apparently gave birth to a Smurf.
I confess…
I see exactly 0 percent of myself in Dorothy.
If I didn’t have the scar to prove that I delivered her, I would think that she came directly from Courtny. She’s all Cotten – destructive, athletic, persistent and absolutely hilarious. She expresses all of her emotion in her face, and will have an impossible time telling a lie – just like her daddy.
I think she has my smarts though. Maybe.
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