This weekend was the legendary Mathew/Christie wedding. And when I say legendary, I mean…
Our good friend Dave asked Courtny to be a part of his wedding day several months ago. Of course I had a little concern with this, knowing that wedding day was a mere 12 days before we were due to become parents. Thankfully, everything went as planned. Dave did not have to find an emergency groomsman replacement, and my water did not break in the middle of the reception (although, I did consider getting friendly with the limo driver – just in case).
Friday began the weekend full of festivities. I may have only gotten three hours of sleep the night before, but nothing was standing between me and this rehearsal dinner. Anyone who knows me knows that I will put all pregnancy ailments aside for free filet mignon. I powered through a few “errands” (and yes, getting my nails done with the other wives was considered an errand), before we arrived at the church for a quick practice run.
Dinner at Eddie Merlot’s was phenomenal (thanks to Dave’s absolutely lovely parents). Both families were so excited for their only children, and this ball of hormones was teary-eyed after every speech. Weddings always make me cry.

The girls: Amanda, me, Ashlen (the bride!), Kristin & Katrin
The boys: Courtny, Matt, Nathan, Dave (the groom!), Cody & Leif
This is another piece of evidence as to why I need a new camera.
Saturday was the big day! Courtny was picked up on our cul-de-sac by a fancy limousine, and I’m pretty sure the first brews were opened before Kristin and I could even grab this photo.
What follows in this blog post will be a bunch of photos I stole from Facebook. There is no way my crappy iPhone could capture the awesomeness this wedding contained. Let’s just say – the ceremony was lovely, the boys enjoyed a few too many before the reception even started, and there really was a goat…in a bow tie.

Ever been 38.5 weeks pregnant and danced to “Stayin’ Alive” in hopes of dancing the baby out? I have. Unfortunately, I’m still pregnant.
We had a phenomenal time at this wedding, and couldn’t be happier for Mr. & Mrs. Mathew! Now that we have conquered this scheduling challenge, the only thing left is… BABY TIME!
That little goat! Priceless! Love it!