I’m not playin’.
I hate when bloggers post photos of their homes. In my opinion, it creates an unrealistic expectation for all of us. Everything is always in its place. The kitchen is always sparkling. There is decor for every season.
No matter what, it looks like bloggers live in homes that come straight from Pinterest. Or Better Homes & Garden. Or Pottery Barn.
If you share my sentiment, you’re in luck. I don’t live in one of those perfect homes.
I live in a total war zone.
My brother-in-law walked into our house this weekend and promptly said, “The baby is taking over this place.”
Yes, yes she is.
Why am I posting this horribly embarrassing photo? Because I want it to be known that not all bloggers or mommas live in the Taj Mahal. And because even though I’m a terrible housekeeper, I do have a redeeming quality (no, it’s not cooking). I’m pretty good at home DIY projects.
The only room Dot has not taken over is the guest room, and that also happens to be the only room I haven’t painted/decorated/touched. Since I now do all of my work (read: blogging) from the couch, I’ve decided to transform the room into my new office. Woot!
And this is my absolutely divine inspiration:
I’m loving the mint/coral/white scheme and the touch of whimsy that these photos convey. I haven’t started (other than picking out paint samples), but I’m pretty excited about the prospect of having my own space.
Plus, when Dot inevitably takes over that room, at least her mint Bumbo will match perfectly.
I’m curious – what does your work space look like? What, in your office, is something you couldn’t live without? I need more ideas!
Don’t worry. I’ll post updates as soon as I start painting!
Kate says
My home office is also the only room in our house completely off limits to our son. I love it. It’s decorated with past work memories. Everything from old Cirque du Soleil name lanyards to my Graduate Assistant name plate from Ball State. I even bought a very large frame and made a great collage of old work photos, thank you cards, funny post-it notes, etc. We also have a few nice sports pieces as well (think the original digital prints from when IU beat Kentucky at the buzzer in 2011). I love your inspiration, by the way. The colors are beautiful. Good luck!
Eva Marie Taylor says
I am so with you! I am not the best housekeeper. I have a frame on my wall that is sideways because I thought the eye sore would be enough of an incentive to do something about it…and my craft space…oh my “Enter at your own risk!” I am trying to be better at it being more picked up, orderly and something nicer to look at, because my husband is very organized and my clutter chaos drives him batty. We’ll see. I go in cycles where I’m really good at keeping up with it all, and cycles where it is exactly that…a war zone!