Age: 6 months (It’s been half a year?! What!?!)
Stats: Our scientific guess is 19 pounds, 28 inches long. Officially, you are 18 lbs. 4 oz., and 28.25 inches long.
Clothes: Girlfriend. You are already wearing 9 month clothes. Sure, you do wear 6 month onesies, but 9 month onesies are not out of the question. When I put you in your 9 month dress for Brynzlee’s birthday party, and noticed how short it was already, I told your daddy that he’s in for a very rough time in about 13 years.
Nicknames: I call you Big Girl. Every day you’re changing and becoming less of a baby. It kind of makes me sad!
Sleep: You recently went through a spurt of waking up at 5:30 a.m. This is not okay.
Favorites: You love your walker, the remote control, being outside, Mickey Mouse, and your kitties (but they don’t necessarily love you yet).
Other Fun Facts:
– You’re a show off. You got not one, but TWO teeth in the span of a few days. Apparently all of that drool and spit up really was teething. Now I call you Toothers. 🙂
– You have graduated from the pumpkin seat to a big girl carseat. Not because you outgrew the weight limit, but because you’ve nearly outgrown the height limit! This means you now ride in the shopping cart at Target, and you hold on for dear life each time (one hand in front and one to the side). It’s too funny.
– Your daddy gave you a DNA test. He gave you a little taste of pizza sauce, and you nearly freaked out. In a good way. Congratulations, you are truly a Cotten.
– Recently you started sleeping on your stomach. Most of the time you roll, get mad, and then eventually pass out. Life’s rough when you’re 6 months old.
– You suddenly have gotten super grabby. Anything in arm’s reach is at risk of ending up in your mouth.
– After a long 6 months, you FINALLY got to meet your Grandma Tina, your Aunt Kim, and your cousins Jonah & Isaiah for the first time. Yay!
– Oh my gosh, you are a giggler. You think everything is hilarious, and we think your laugh is the best sound on the planet.
We love you, baby girl. Always and forever.
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