Age: 18 months
Stats: 28 lbs. 4 oz., 33.5 inches tall. You only grew a quarter of an inch in the last three months, so the doctor says your height may be stabilizing… except you’re still in the 95th percentile.
Clothes: You’re working your way into 3T. So, all that 2T summer stuff I thought would last us at least half the season made it approximately a month before you outgrew it. You’re also wearing size 6.5 and 7 shoes. But, don’t worry. Grandma Kathryn makes sure you’re well stocked in the shoe department.
Nicknames: D, Buns, dbunny, Dot
Sleep: Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. You sleep 11.5 to 12 hours a night. You take one afternoon nap, which normally last 2-3 hours.
Favorites: Kitty, playing outside, driving the Ranger at Grandma and Papaw’s, dancing, Disney movies (any and all), Elmo, Chica Chica Boom Boom and your new Duplo Lego set.
Other Fun Facts:
– You’re getting new words every day! You’ve mastered “All done!”, and love to apply it to any situation (including time out). You finally say “Mama,” but not before you said “Elsa.” This week you’ve added “Papaw,” “Jessi,” “Please,” and “Lunch” to your vocabulary. Such a smart girl!

Why, yes. You are holding a giant sized Stuffy the Dragon while dressed as Queen Elsa. Why wouldn’t you be?

We love you baby girl. Always and forever.
Adorable photos! Dorothy is so cute!
Where in the world did that baby go?!?! I think she has officially hit “big girl” status. *Sigh*