So, recently I’ve realized that I don’t necessarily know you.
Yes, you.
You see, my blog followers used to include my mom, a handful of friends, and occasionally my husband. Now, I don’t know who you all are… and that’s an amazing thing.
You may have read my horribly outdated About Me page, but today I’m giving you the inside scoop by sharing 10 things you probably don’t know about me.
You know, unless your my mom. She knows everything.
1. I danced on my university’s dance team, The Crimsonettes, my freshman year. I had never, ever, taken a dance class prior to auditioning. Figure that one out.
2. I hate, loathe and abhor lettuce. I have never liked it, and my taste buds have yet to grow up. I don’t eat salads, unless I’m at a business luncheon or fancy dinner and need to look like an adult. But, just, ew.
3. I have an unhealthy obsession with the Duggar family. I am simply fascinated by them. In fact, I can name them all (Josh, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger…). I actually block out time every Tuesday to watch the new episode, with a glass of wine in hand, because I just can’t figure it out. How does one survive 19 children?!
I’m also equally as fascinated by Sister Wives, but that’s a whole other discussion.
4. I once hit a game-winning three point basket. I had basketball glory days, believe it or not. They ended in middle school.
5. I love to plan. Vacations, parties, weddings – you name it. I enjoy the minute details that bore normal people. The only planning I can’t seem to get on board with is meal planning, and that’s probably because I’m a terrible chef.
6. I graduated from college in 3 1/2 years. I only managed to do this because I tested above my foreign language requirements, and passed (key word) the upper-level class I tested into – therefore giving me 16 credit hours for one class. I apparently retained nothing, because my Spanish skills are practically non-existent.
And… gracias.

It was so hot and humid on our graduation day that there are exactly no pictures of me in my regalia. I was not leaving that thing on longer than I had to.
7. I had a six level spinal fusion surgery when I was 15. If you’ve been reading for awhile, you probably already know that. I also have a 12-inch scar down the middle of my back, and ache when the weather changes. #OldLadyStatus
8. I share a middle name with my mom. And Dorothy shares the same middle name with me. Laura’s all around!
9. I couldn’t drink at my own wedding. We were 20 years old when we got hitched. Now, at the ripe old age of 27, I don’t recommend getting married young to anyone. I wouldn’t change a thing about my own marriage, but let me tell ya – living only on love is not nearly as romantic as it sounds.
10. I would rather drive the 40 minutes to Target, than the 5 minutes to Wal-Mart. Say what you want, but the in-store Starbucks makes the drive MORE than worth it. Once a Carmelite, always a Carmelite?
And, that’s me in a nutshell. Not that you asked, but now you know. So now, tell me who you are! What is one thing I probably don’t know about you?
I’ll let you in on a little secret, I work at WM and I still love going to Target, just for the fact that it is so quiet and like you said, STARBUCKS!
I love my exercise classes but step aerobics is by far my favorite class. I’ve tried Pilates, Zumba and several others, but I think step makes me use my mind more than the others. My instructor has some really cool routines . I absolutely love it although you can’t find many step instructors nowadays.
Not that I’ve tried any other classes (because I hate to exercise), but I love Spinning. I’ll have to check out the Step class at the Park & Rec soon, just so I can say I gave it a chance!
I top had a spinal fusion of 2-6. I have a steel rod and 8 screws in my spine. My scar runs up my spine and my left butt cheek ( from the bone graft) . My worst pain is on damp days !
Here is my one thing you probably dont know about me…I am a complete germaphobe/organizer I cannot sleep if everything is not in its place ! Or clean ! …and nothing can ever be on my floors (I have 3 kids )…
I was one of your color guard girls at Ritter. I don’t do color guard anymore but I am in law school and am engaged to one of my best friends from high school. p.s. I love how real you are. You are a great writer and I catch up on your blog whenever I get a chance