The besties! Me, Bethany, Amanda & Kristin. Also, I promise I don’t always look so gigantically pregnant next to my hot friends.
The besties and I are making our semi-annual Ohio trip this weekend.
Scratch that.
We’re making our semi-annual journey to MECCA.
This momma’s Christmas wishlist will not arrive via reindeer and sleigh this year. No, it will arrive by way of the husband’s credit card.
Kristin, Bethany, Amanda and I have made this a tradition over the last several years. IKEA + outlet mall + largest antique mall on the face of the planet? This is our kind of girl’s trip. Normally we leave at the crack of dawn, grab some caffeine at Starbucks, and then shop until we literally drop. Like, literally cannot take another store.
Then we somehow manage to squeeze into the car and make the 3ish hour journey home. I say squeeze because I actually mean, “squeeze.” As in during the last trip, Bethany rode home in basically a fetal position in the front seat. She got to be the unlucky one because, 1. She’s the smallest. 2. She bought the biggest stuff.
You can read about our previous experiences on Walking By Faith Blog here and here.
This would be the time we bought a Bessie for the Bertoli household. Best. Rug. Ever. (Photo stolen from Kristin)
And get a hotel room.
And find the nearest wine bar.
You know, since 3 of 4 of us bought new houses this fall and, frankly, we need to fill them. This is so going to be the best trip yet. Can we tell I’m excited?
And yes, I’m planning to purchase approximately 15 rugs. That’s not excessive or anything.
What traditions do you have with you girlfriends? We’re always looking for ways to drink more wine expand the fun. Stay tuned to my social media for what is sure to be an entertaining weekend.
A tradition that Leif and myself are doing, but it can be done with girlfriends of course
is that we travel to Chicago for a weekend before Christmas in order to attend the Christkindlmarket. We will actually be heading there tomorrow. Can’t wait! It is great because they do sell spiced wine in mugs and a lot of other authentic food from Germany. It is literally like being home 
Here is a link if you want to check it out: http://www.christkindlmarket.com/
Katrin, that sounds so fun! I’ll have to check it out next year!
Yes, definitely! We always priceline a 4 star hotel downtown Chicago and then venture out. It’s lots of fun! Have fun on your trip and I’m looking forward to see and her stories on the 31st!
I am so jealous. I miss IKEA soooo much!!! You ladies have a blast!