You probably think Weekend Wednesday is a name of a link up. It’s not. I’m just now getting around to sharing my weekend… halfway through the next week. Roll with it.
Although, I would say this is a pretty catchy name for a link up. I may have to run with that someday.
If you remember, the besties and I made our semi-annual trip to Mecca (aka IKEA) this weekend. Cheap wine was consumed from plastic mini-bottles (#bumpinrubbers2014), our bank accounts were destroyed, and two bubble wrap boys at Ballard Designs taught us was “bae” means… and then proceeded to call us old.
Bae. What a freaking weird word. And 27 is NOT old.
These old ladies made our way to Cincinnati Friday evening. It was 9 o’clock when we arrived (which is late by our standards), so we hyped ourselves up with a few mini bottles in the hotel room before we headed across the street to the most adorable wine bar. Live music, tapas and bubbles. It was seriously amazing, and the perfect setting to kick off a girl’s weekend.
After staying up way too late sharing hilarious stories that are not appropriate for this here blog, I had to practically shake the room down to get everyone out of bed to hit IKEA at opening. A 10 a.m. opening, if that tells you anything. A quick Starbucks run, and everyone was bright-eyed for the magic that is the Swedish superstore.
This photo is before the damage got too bad. Four hours of IKEA later, we all feared for our lives because our bae’s WERE GOING TO KILL US for spending so much money. And by all, I mean Kristin and me. Amanda and Bethany wimped out in the spending department. Va…. I won’t do it. I ended up with all new bedding, three rugs, a full-length mirror, and a few extras I hadn’t exactly planned on. But when at IKEA…
Since we hadn’t jeopardized our marriages quite enough that day, we headed to the Ballard Designs/Grandin Road/Frontgate outlet. There, Kristin met this gigantic beauty.
That would be a 7-ft. tall mirror. That we wanted to fit in her RAV4. Oh, and if she bought it and it didn’t fit? She couldn’t return it.
So, being the most prepared, Bethany took off with her measuring tape and thoroughly measured the RAV. We went through about a hundred scenarios before deciding that it just maybe could fit. Maybe.
Kristin took the plunge… and then we all stood around nervously while the bubble wrap guys wrapped it up. I know I had the sinking feeling that there was no way this thing was coming home with us, and I’m pretty sure Kristin was going to vomit.
It took seven people, but that biotch fit! Kristin may have been so excited that she squealed and hugged the bubble wrap guys. I skipped back to my car. It’s like we all won the big game or something. Shopping adrenaline – I love it.
Also, the bubble wrap boys thought us old women were cray cray.
As you can see in the photo, even after the mirror there was still room to shop. So we did. We nearly closed down the outlet mall. Most epic shopping trip. Ever.
So there you have it. My weekend on a Wednesday. I haven’t heard from Kristin lately, but I know my husband only let me live after he saw the rug I bought for our master bedroom (but he also told me to consider it my birthday present. Oops!). It’s okay. I’m in love. With the rug.
On another topic – the rug is not staying this way. How do you place a rug under a bed that isn’t centered in the room? I need an interior designer.
Ahh!!! Love the rug! I feel the need to mention that I successfully lost my credit card on this trip. For realz. That happened. I guess The Lord was telling me that was enough spending.