Does anyone else love when the holidays are over?
I mean, I love Christmas just as much as the next person, but I also love when it’s all over. I’m exhausted. I’m stressed. And I much prefer to sit in my pajamas all day long for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
So, that’s what I’m doing. 1:35 p.m. on a Tuesday, still in my PJs, with hair that hasn’t been washed in several days. Maybe a week. Who’s counting?
And in my current Scrooge state, I wasn’t going to write a Christmas recap post. Every blogger does it, and I find that I usually don’t care. You don’t know me. Well, you probably do. The blog isn’t THAT big. But you probably don’t care where we spent Christmas, unless I’m telling you about that Christmas Day we spent in Playa Grande, Costa Rica… because that’s a Christmas recap post worth reading.
But, alas, we stayed in central Indiana. And while it was unseasonably warm, you still probably don’t care.
So, I’ll leave you with a mess of photos from our past week of celebration with just a few details – because our Christmas was picture perfect. The family time was abundant. We ate until we couldn’t move. Dorothy finally figured out the joy in unwrapping gifts. Santa was more than generous. And, to top it all off, I got celebrate yet another year of this wonderful life.
Somehow, I managed to make raspberry shortbread cookies that everyone absolutely loved. As in, my mom said they were her favorite. *insert shocked face*
My family turned up on my 89-year-old grandfather’s doorstep on Christmas Eve, with a 65″ television in tow. A week later, and he still hasn’t stopped talking about it.
Grandpa also only has one chair for guests in his house. And it’s always a billion degrees inside.
Courtny and I hosted my in-laws for dinner on Christmas Eve. I successfully made a ham, if you care.
Mr. Cotten and his siblings have the tradition of buying each other Nerf guns for Christmas. A Nerf gun war proceeded to break out in our basement, which kept the baby awake until far later than Santa Claus had hoped.
Santa came! The big hits were the IKEA easel, the Lego Thomas & Friends set, and a new Case IH tractor – just like Papaw’s.
Our Aunt Berta always buys the best pajama pants for us for Christmas Eve. This year’s did not disappoint!
Grandpa with half of his kids.
Annual Shelton/Stewart cousin photo
I hope everyone gets to lounge in their jammies, like me, for the next few days. At this rate, I’ll be wearing PJs to the bestie’s NYE party as well… #oldladystatus
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