So… funny story.
I posted my call for guest bloggers in an enormous Facebook group full of bloggers from all over the world. When Madeline responded, I was obviously excited – she has an adorable baby boy, and was going to write about her experiences in motherhood. Perfect, right?
Turns out she’s currently living in Indiana while her husband attends graduate school, and we’re practically neighbors.
I mean, what are the odds?!
Learn more about Madeline below and don’t forget to check out her blog, CaseyLand!
Hello there! My name is Madeline, and I blog at CaseyLand. I am a former fourth grade teacher from Utah turned stay at home mom in Indiana! Last August we moved to Indiana for my husband to get his PhD, bought a house, and I had my baby in September. Moving away from everyone and everything I knew and to be thrust into a completely new life was overwhelming, so I decided to make CaseyLand a place where I could document this crazy time of life. It would be really easy for me to spend my days missing home, having a “grass is greener on the other side” mentality, but I’m a big believer that your grass is as green as you want it to be. My goal is to make anywhere I go my happiest place on Earth! You’ll find lots of funny stories, tales of our adventures, mixed with a little bit of fashion and design (once I start redecorating my house!!). Come on over, you’re more than welcome!
Hi friends of Samantha! Motherhood brings about a LOT of changes. Physically, mentally, and ways we don’t like to talk about in public forums… ha! So today I want to talk a little bit about how motherhood has changed me.
1. I check the clock constantly! I wasn’t expecting this kind of change, but as a mother I am always aware of what time it is. I need to know how long it’s been since my baby ate, since he slept, since he had a diaper change, you name it! He needs to nap about every two hours, so I’m always watching for that especially, because a tired baby is a sad baby.
2. I’m aware of how quickly my floors get dirty. With a baby who crawls everywhere and puts who knows what in his mouth, I’m constantly aware of what is on my floor! And I have all hardwoods, so it’s easy to see the dust. With how quickly my floors get dirty, sweeping and vacuuming have become my least favorite chores! It feels like as soon as I’ve got it clean it’s time to go again.
3. I make random noises, even when I’m by myself. I always laugh when I catch myself doing this. I feel like I try to make my baby laugh all the time with funny noises or faces, so it has just become second nature and I do it all the time! When I open the fridge, I might make a “zzhhoooom!” noise, or I may do a little dance from one room to the next. I make up random songs to make things more fun, like this little ditty for dinner time, “yummy yummy yummy! yummy in my tummy!” (I’m quite creative.)
4. I take a lot more pictures. I think I probably have at least one picture a day of my baby, which I’m kind of excited about! I think I want to make a collage or something of 365 days of Nathan for his first birthday. We’ll see. How mom’s have time to plan amazing first birthday parties for their babies is beyond me. Props to you, ladies! Anyway, the pictures are a blessing and a curse. They are awesome for the memories, but terrible for my phone’s memory, if you know what I mean!
5. I’m happier than I’ve ever been! Being a mom is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but hard doesn’t mean bad! I have gained such joy from taking care of a little human. Watching him grow and learn is so exciting. Every day is brand new for him, and it helps me notice the little things as well! Looking at the world through a child’s eyes makes everything look a little more beautiful and amazing.
I’m so excited for Samantha to have her next little one! Newborns are a lot of work, but there really is nothing more magical than those first weeks. Thanks for having me!
Show Madeline some love!
Ohhhh what’s this Facebook group?!
Madeline is such a cutie! I didn’t even think about the funny noises and the dances! Probably because they were habit even BEFORE I had kids!
Isn’t it true? I always point out the cows/horses/farm machinery to Dorothy when we’re in the car, and I find myself excitedly doing the same thing when I’m alone! Ha!