Let’s just make this simple.
Today’s guest blogger is so stinking ADORABLE. Like, I’m positive we would be real-life friends.
Get your craft on with Jacqui, and don’t forget to check out her corner of the inter webs – Drink the Day!
Hi everyone! I’m Jacqui and I blog over at Drink the Day. I’m newly 27, living right outside Philadelphia and working in digital advertising until I become awesome enough to blog “full time.” I started blogging because writing is in my blood. I was originally a journalism major and used to hand out homemade newspapers to my neighborhood – now I’m content with sporadically posting about my life, travel adventures, crafting mishaps & cocktail recipes and hoping someone finds my life as amusing as I do! Thanks for having me Samantha, and congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!
Today I’m sharing one of the cutest and easiest (I promise) DIY projects I’ve ever created – Sprinkle Treat
You’ll need:
Glue gun & hot glue
Parchment paper
While your glue gun is heating up, lay out your parchment paper and decide on your shape. Draw it out in pencil first if you’ve got a shaky hand – no shame. Trace the shape (I chose a star and a heart) onto the paper and lay the toothpick on top.
Re-trace or fill in the shape again with another layer of hot glue, then immediately cover with sprinkles of your choice. I went with red and blue for my absolute FAVORITE holiday – 4th of July! Let the shape dry completely, carefully trim any excess glue (if you’re kinda messy like me) and flip over to repeat on the other side.
I told you this was easy! The best part? They last – You can re-use the same treat topper for a week straight of pancake breakfasts if you feel like impressing your toddler 5 days in a row. Not to mention, this is such an easy way to add a pinch of decor to your party contribution. People will be like “oh hey Martha Stewart” and you’ll just smile and remember the giant mess of excess sprinkles that temporarily stained the sink blue when you turned the water on. Carry on, DIY queen
Happy Thursday!
Show Jacqui some love!
YOU’RE adorable! Indiana isn’t that far from PA, right!? Right. “Real life” friends we shall be.
These are adorable!