Wow. I failed in the blog department this week.
Let’s do a little catch up, shall we?
one | wine festival
I’m headed to the Vintage Indiana Wine Festival in downtown Indianapolis this weekend with my bestie Lana and her family, and it should be a fabulous time. However, every time I hear the words “wine” and “festival” in the same sentence, I can’t help but laugh.
You see, several years ago bestie Kristin, bestie Amanda and I balked at the $25 pre-sale ticket price for Vintage Indiana. So, in a stroke of genius, we decided to have our own wine festival in my backyard. It would be WAY less expensive, and we could drink full glasses instead of dinky little samples. A variation of cheap wines, a cheese and cracker tray and some playing cards, and we were good to go.
Except we weren’t.
I can’t tell you how many bottles of wine we consumed that afternoon, but it was far, far too many. It was one of those, “I’m feeling good and dominating Gin Rummy while sippin’ on some merlot,” that suddenly turned into, “I think I got hit by a truck.” Zero to sixty. It was bad, my friends. Wine hangovers are the worst, and that one scarred me for life.
I’ve gotten wiser in my old age. Just pay the money and sip on samples. Vintage Indiana is clearly looking out for people like me.
two | brown
Yesterday Dorothy and I decided to have a good old fashioned water day. We busted out the new sprinkler (which broke within 2 minutes of use), and I re-filled the baby pool in a new location. The plan was going well until…
Yes, her pool water is brown. It turns out that our well water has a lot of iron in it. And, yes, I let her play in it anyway.
I spent all of nap time draining and re-filling the damn thing for the third time this summer…but with tap water from our bathroom sink.
three | mane
Thank you all for your recommendations on last week’s Friday 5 concerning the mop I call hair. I purchased the Seanik Shampoo Bar and the Big Solid Conditioner from Lush this week, but I have yet to use them. If you haven’t heard of Lush, check them out (there’s one at the Fashion Mall, local friends). It’s only one of my favorite stores ever – all organic, green, vegan, fresh, ethical, handmade etc. – and everything smells freaking AMAZEBALLS. Get yourself a bath bomb. They rock my world.
Also, I managed to come home with a curling wand after my magical Target excursion this week. I absolutely suck at curling my own hair, so naturally I bought myself another curling iron like that would remedy the problem.
AND IT DID. I’m in love with my curling wand. I don’t even know what I’m doing with it, but my hair looked like… good! Even more magical? My kid actually let me curl her hair.
four | HP hangover
I recently finished reading the Harry Potter series, a mere 20 years behind everyone else. I even convinced my dear husband to watch all of the movies with me, and we’re down to the last one.
Two things:
1. Dear sister, I’m sorry I made fun of you all through our childhood for loving Harry.
2. I have no idea where to go from here.
I’m about to leave on a fabulous week-long vacation, and I need something to read. I keep looking for books that will interest me, but nothing seems to live up to Harry Potter. I mean, it’s only arguably the best book series of all time.
Suggestions? I’m a sucker for romance, love a good non-fiction, and typically shy away from “fantasy.”
five | wedding week
It’s finally my beautiful cousin’s wedding week! Yay! Bring on the festivities!
If we could all start saying a prayer now that a certain one year old actually makes it down the aisle at the wedding, that would be appreciated. If her dress stays clean, if she actually wears her headband, or if we last the whole evening without a meltdown, it will be considered a miracle.
As for tossing petals? Yeah right.
Hi Samantha,
Came across your site when doing a Google search for “Stitch Fix” – love your posts by the way. In response to your HP dilemma – I’ve been there and it’s HARD to move on but you have to just give yourself some time to: 1)grieve that certain characters have died, 2)allow your mind to return to reality and 3)come to terms that although the series is “done” that Harry, Ron and Hermione will always be your friends. As far finding something new to read — not sure if you have watched any of the Outlander episodes on the Starz channel? but it’s adapted from a series by Diana Gabaldon – it’s a historical fiction based in the Scottish Highlands – anyways, my point is that — it’s AMAZING!!! I rank it up there with Harry Potter as far as, well written, unique characters, and story lines that you didn’t see coming that intertwine with other story lines. I will warn you, if you do read it, be prepared to apologize to your husband for going M.I.A for the next few months as you get sucked into this world.
I know it seems a little “overdone” and “over rated” but both the Divergent series and the Hunger Games series were REALLLLY good. I’m currently in The Maze Runner series and its so far so good. If I had to pick one, of those I mentioned. Divergent series….check it out.
I actually read the full Hunger Games series the first time we went to Saint Martin! Excellent books! I’ll have to check out the Divergent series (especially since there are movies that I could make my husband watch with me!).