While everyone else had romantic and relaxing Valentine’s Day weekends, I spent the extended holiday leading one of my color guards to their first WGI Winds regional competition in Dayton, Ohio.
That’s 27 high school students… for nearly two straight days… three hours from home… with a 5 a.m. call time… and two full performances…
…while 6 months pregnant.
I spent my weekend doing Victory Roll updos in a hotel room before the sun came up. I spent hours listening to judges’ tapes, attending critiques and discussing plans with the other staff. I lead the kids through rehearsal, transits, warm-ups, performances, loading and unloading (and then re-loading and re-unloading). I smuggled three turkey sandwiches into the gym, and watched the other competitors for inspiration while stuffing my face on a hard bleacher.
But I loved almost every minute of it. Valentine’s Day, band nerd style.
I came home to a brand new spin bike from my Valentines, and then proceeded to not move from the couch for the rest of the weekend. Mr. Cotten and I were in bed by 9 p.m. – him playing video games, and me watching the Kardashians. If that’s not a married Valentine’s Day, I don’t know what is.
I think it’s safe to say I overdid it just a smidge.
Brace yourself, baby weight. I’m coming for you eventually. But not before I share cookies and Starbucks with my littlest love…
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